Custom Query (7 matches)


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Results (1 - 3 of 7)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#23 fixed Standalone wmii status bar implementation simon simon

Write more of the status retrieval in Python or another language, using an MPD client library, and possibly a 9P implementation. The main advantages are losing process calling and socket opening overheads. It may also be easier to update the track name only when it changes.

#11 fixed Move format strings out of main code simon simon

Move the format strings used to decide what format to display track information from within the main code block to aid configuration.

#9 fixed Modify as necessary for Trac 0.9 simon simon

Trac 0.9 has some lovely changes, some of which make macros/processors go tits up. Check for this and modify to work with Trac 0.9.

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