= Newsbeuter D-BUS = Newsbeuter D-BUS (yeah, I couldn’t think of a name) is a little daemon providing an interface for Gnome applications to add feed URLs to [http://synflood.at/newsbeuter.html Newsbeuter]’s `urls` file. Just run it, and it will happily sit there waiting¹ for applications such as [http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/ Epiphany] with the [http://live.gnome.org/Epiphany/RssExtension News Feed Subscription] extension to feed it URLs. To use it, download it * [source:newsbeuter-dbus/newsbeuter_dbus.py via the source browser] * Checkout: `svn co http://svn.bleah.co.uk/repos/misc/plinkpot/` Make it executable, and run it. You probably want to run it in the background, and from your `~/.Xsession` or whatever file you customise your X startup with these days: {{{ /path/to/newsbeuter_dbus.py & }}} ---- 1. Until it dies because it doesn’t handle any errors