

PlinkPot is a command-line tool for generating short URLs using LinkPot. The URLs, instead of using random strings of characters use real words, making them easier to read out and remember.

From the LinkPot site:

LinkPot allows you to convert long, complicated and hard-to-read-out-loud URLs into simple URLs containing real words. LinkPot links are ideal for things like podcasts, or any situation where you are required to pass on a link verbally rather than via text or by call via mobile. Also, they're great to send to mobile phones, as the words will be easily picked up by predictive text systems.

To use PlinkPot, first download it:

  • Source
  • Checkout: svn co

Simply pass a URL on the command-line:

linkpot URL


$ linkpot ''

To use PlinkPot in irssi create an alias to execute it:

/alias POT exec -o linkpot 'URI'

Now /pot will output

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jul 13, 2016, 11:44:26 AM